ipe Daily Bliss: October 2017

Daily Bliss

Today's lovely moments are tomorrow’s beautiful memories

Monday, October 30, 2017

Baby Cumming

 This little chap is going to make a fabulous big brother! 
Both Cumming boys asked mum for a pod (their meaning = triplets - oh my!) but M&D are happy to report that there is only one healthy bub in situ. 
This being said, Grandma has enough love for however many pop out in March 2018! 

Friday, October 27, 2017

Today in our garden ...

While I love the cold winter months (yesterday evening was 8°C, at one stage),
spring has it’s attractions, too.

The happy gardener, Paul

Thursday, October 05, 2017


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Last template update: 2nd August 2023