ipe Daily Bliss: Stash Acquistion Beyond Life Expectancy

Daily Bliss

Today's lovely moments are tomorrow’s beautiful memories

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Stash Acquistion Beyond Life Expectancy

Feliciy & The Living Doll (Princess No. 2) at Saturday's Beaudesert Races.
Don't you love the hat? The princesses took me shopping on my birthday night before we went to dinner.

I've had a birthday & I've also been stash shopping! Paula made me do it! We chat a couple of times a week & browse the various blogs together, or look to see what online shop has new stash. LOL

Claire unwittingly aided and abetted by showing off her gorgeous Isabelle Vautier cats and directing us to the Grand Marquoir site. Visit Claire's site just for the wow of her work. It's simply gorgeous!!!

Some of the stash sent to me for my big day

Most of my shopping was fabric for a couple of up-and-coming projects (e.g. The Grand Marquoir and a piece of Queen Anne's Lace that I raved about in another entry) or floss needed to do same projects - lots of DMC 838 and 840.

Nevertheless, send prayers that the shopping-for-stash gene mutates & becomes weak or dormant or it has an extinction switch that goes off when one turns 50. I've really got more than enough S'BLE. LOL

Happiness & laughter to one and all,



Blogger Daughter of the Midwest said...

Honey, I'm only 32 and have SBLE for more than a couple of people.

8:20 pm  

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