ipe Daily Bliss: Weapons of Mass Destruction

Daily Bliss

Today's lovely moments are tomorrow’s beautiful memories

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Take it from one who knows! Hammer & chisel will destroy almost anything in a house. Only person I know who can do better than us (& someone to avoid employing at all costs) is Steve King at Leader Constructions who, in 1992, pulled down the laundry & toilet in my Townsville house to hurry me into signing a contract I wasn't ever going to sign (I'll share that disaster - the only other disaster I've ever had in my nearly 30 year renovating history - another day). Crown Princess & I have spent this morning demolishing a built-in wardrobe in the spare room. It was fabulous de-stress therapy, let me assure you.

This week's update on reno jobs:

Tuesday morning saw 5 gorgeous hunks (hunky enough that Cadet Princess was prepared to wag English Poetry exam to stay home and supervise) come and jackhammer up 80m2 of floor tiles. The dust is incredible but we won't be doing the big clean up until the concrete grinder comes next Tuesday. Thankfully, I managed to cover most treasure with plastic sheets.

The spare room is also getting a makeover. It's relieving frustrations while I wait for new kitchen to be installed. Hang the chaos! We are soooo over renovations, a bit more dust can't make it any worse. Today the wardrobe, tomorrow the old carpet.

I hope all's well in your world



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